

AboutTTI Chronology of TTI New Campus Messages History and Mission of TTI Organization & Scale

January 1981: Establishment of the Institute

TTI was established in 1981 as part of the social contribution activities of Toyota Motor Corporation. Kiichiro Toyoda, the eldest son of Sakichi Toyoda laid the foundations of the Japanese automobile industry by founding Toyota Motor Corporation. He decided that when he succeeded in business, he would establish a university and contribute to society by training engineers and researchers who would lead Japan into the future. His dream and spirit were handed down from generation to generation and were splendidly realized in 1981.

March 1984: Establishment of the master's program

The aim of this program is to draw forth the brilliance needed for success on a global scale. This program was established for students who have devoted themselves to acquiring fundamental knowledge in engineering for
four years as their first step toward delving further into the fields of cutting-edge research. Taking advantage of
the superior guidance and facilities, master's degree students develop research on topics they have chosen.

April 1993: Acceptance of regular high school graduates to the undergraduate program

As a unique Japanese university, the Institute used to accept only students with industrial work experience, but
in 1993, the door was opened to general high school graduates with no work experience, establishing a new environment for learning at TTI, with a mix of students with and without experience in the workforce.

March 1995: Establishment of the doctoral program

The doctoral program was founded with the aim of educating high-level doctoral students that have both the academic depth and innovative power needed for making scientific and technological brakthroughs. With this program we have been able to bring TTI's cutting-edge research activities to the next level.

September 2003: Establishment of the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC)

Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) was opened on the University of Chicago campus. In collaboration with the University of Chicago, TTIC promotes the global development of cutting-edge research and education in basic computer science. This is the first case for a Japanese university to open a graduate school in the United States. Our Institute will continue to be closely affiliated with TTIC in both research
and education by sending students and faculty to Chicago, and bringing
TTIC faculty for joint research and course lectures at TTI.

April 2004: Accreditation from JABEE

TTI received accreditation from JABEE (the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) as a consequence of various educational reforms by which a set of global standards were met.
【until graduate class of 2014】

October 2009: TTIC Accredited

Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) was accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
of the North Association of Colleges and Schools.

April 2010: TTI Accredited by JUAA

TTI passed successtully the newly-introduced evaluation process by The Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA).

July 2020: The 7-year campus renewal project completed.

The renewal began in the summer of 2014 and was completed in 2020.
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